Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Duke Sux

So let me start by saying that D and I will BOTH post at different points of our trip...so at the top of each post we will try and make it clear who is writing etc. So far I, (K), wrote the OOPS post, and both D and I contributed the pictures. Ok, so are you clear?? :) And because we are committing to writing every day, you are just going to have to deal with spelling mistakes and grammar errors. We will clean it up when we can! Ok, let's go!


It is no secret that I went to the University of Maryland...an ACC powerhouse. You may also know that the reason I went to the U of MD was because it was a big Division I school...I loved the idea of brick buildings, a huge campus, and watching GREAT basketball. What you may not know is that back in sixth grade Matt Kelly and I used to like to bet on college basketball games...I have no idea how or why it started, but we did...and I always rooted for UNC and he always rooted for Duke. So from the time of Hurley, Laettner, and Parks I have loathed Duke. Fast forward to my college years and it only intensified. Battier, Wojo, Boozer and forget it their fearless leader Coach K...ARGHHHHHHHHH. So FORGIVE ME if when I realized that our driving route would take us through Durham, if I immediately started planning a short bathroom break for Bailey...at Duke...ON Duke! :) Sorry it was a really a great moment for me, I felt some sort of validation, some redemption after years of watching that perennial powerhouse BUY their way to championship after championship. I went to a school that prided itself on paying gansta players like Joe Smith and Steve Francis to play a season or two for us. We make no bones about it, basketball paid for us to go to a nice school with top notch professors, tools, supplies, buildings etc. Our coach is a wee bit of a drunken sailor type....and most of our players never step foot on the campus, never mind go to class. Whatever, I always did like a bad boy! :) Duke on the other hand pretends to be something they’re not. For so long we were to believe that Duke's student athletes ALL graduated, were all perfect Southern gentlemen and ladies, were all upstanding members of society. UGH whatever. I believe it was ESPN and maybe 20/20 that finally shed the light on Duke's dirty little secrets…that most of the athlete's graduated with the same degree, and did it in 3 years, and did it through independent studies classes allowing them to concentrate solely on...oh wait BASKETBALL. Whatever...at the end of the day, Battier has an annoying wrinkle, Cherokee Parks has an annoying name, and Christian Laettner is just annoying. Duke sux...and Bailey shit all over your pretty little campus. TAKE THAT!

SUSPECT Sculpture at Duke Gardens

Oh and ps....I looked hard for a Main Gate, you know a front entrance...there is none.
How weird is that. This school sux! :)

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